Whiteboard Battleship

Whiteboard Battleship

This is a game submission from Andrew Innes, an English teacher in Himeji, Japan, and it’s called Whiteboard Battleship.


• This is a game for small groups.

•Whiteboard Battleship works best for elementary students and older

• You’ll need some whiteboards or paper to play Whiteboard Battleship

Here’s how to play

1. Divide the class into 2 teams, or a few small groups of 2 teams.

2. Draw a grid with 9 squares on both sides of a whiteboard. You can also use paper as long as they are hidden from the other team.

3. Draw, or write 1 word into each square in the grid. The word or pictures have to be the same on both whiteboards.

4. Also, draw a mini-grid on the top left or right of the big grid.

5. Now each team chooses 3 squares in their grid and draws a spider or something in each.

6. The aim of the game is to correctly guess where those 3 spiders are.

7. It’s up to the teacher what language is required to make a guess. For younger students, they could just read the word. For more advanced, they could ask “Is the spider inside ….?” Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

8. They use the mini-grid to keep track of where they have already guessed.

9. Part of the object of the game is that they are projecting their voices, so the other team can hear them.

10. It’s also great for teamwork.

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