Alphabet Jumble

Alphabet Jumble

Certainly! Alphabet Jumble is a stimulating warm-up activity, especially suited for days when the ESL/EFL class might take a bit longer to engage. The essence of this game lies in a jumble of random letters presented on the blackboard. There are several methods to create this jumble. One could project an image from the internet onto the board, or alternatively, have students come up and write 3-5 letters each on the board, scattering them randomly. In scenarios with smaller classes or online teaching, downloading a PDF version of an Alphabet Jumble and sharing it with the students can work well.

Once the Alphabet Jumble is ready, the class is divided into teams, ensuring team members are seated together. Each student is given a piece of paper. A timer is set for 5 minutes, marking the duration within which students can form words using the letters on the board. It's important to illustrate, possibly with examples, that the letters used to form words don't have to be in a linear arrangement. For instance, using the letters H-E-S, one could form the words 'She' and 'He'.

As the timer runs out, it signals the end of the activity. Teams then tally the number of unique words they could think of. If a word is repeated within a team, it's only counted once. The team with the highest count of unique words emerges as the winner. By the end of this 5-minute activity, the goal is to have every student actively thinking in English, setting a lively tone for the rest of the lesson. This way, Alphabet Jumble serves as a gentle yet engaging segue into the day's learning session.

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