Hot Potato
Hot Potato
The singing potato is guaranteed fun for any ESL / EFL class. No questions asked! It has a randomized timer inside and plays “the potato song” until it explodes…..blawang! Kids love it.
You can use the hot potato in almost any situation to add a little bit of fun to your lesson and to give your students a reason to speak quickly. I’ve found that at a table of 6 it’s incredible. Strangely enough, this game works best with high school-aged students. Rather than using any target language simply play question answer.
1) Ask a question = pass the potato
2) Answer a question = pass the potato
3) When the potato stops singing it makes the “blawang” sound. Whomever has the potato gets a point. Points can be good or bad in this game but if there bad there’s much more of an incentive to speak.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 until one player has 3/5 points depending on the size of your ESL class.
5) Enjoy!
The singing potato is available on for around $50.00 American or you can purchase it from for around $10.00 American. I’d go with .com….Just saying.