Comparison Chain

Comparison Chain

Materials Required:

- Whiteboard and marker

- Timer

Suitable for:

- Students aged 10 and up with fairly advanced vocabulary.

- A game can last between 5 and 20 minutes.


1. Brainstorm a list of comparative adjectives, possibly using an A - Z Race for brainstorming.

2. Write the target grammar structure “(noun)s are (adjective)er than (noun)s” on the board.

3. Choose a topic for comparison, e.g., animals.

4. Provide an example on the board, e.g., “Rabbits are cuter than Donkeys.”

5. Divide the class into teams, each forming a circle.

Game Play:

1. Set a timer for a suitable duration, e.g., 1 minute.

2. Select a team to go first, and within the team, pick a student to start.

3. On the word “go,” the first student creates a sentence using the target grammar structure, e.g., “Dogs are bigger than cats.”

4. The next student in the circle then links to the second noun in the previous sentence to form a new sentence, e.g., “Cats are smarter than birds.”

5. Continue this chain around the circle until the timer expires. No comparative adjectives or nouns can be reused, except when linking to the previous sentence.

6. Once the timer stops, count the number of successful links made by the team; this is their score.

7. Reset the timer, change the noun topic (e.g., to food), and let the next team play.

8. Continue the process until all teams have had a chance to play or as time permits.

9. The team with the most links in their comparison chain across all rounds is the winner!

This game fosters quick thinking, creativity, and the practical use of comparative structures in a fun and engaging manner.

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